\(╯-╰)/ 这是我生存的基本
Only、 ゛有些痛、时间久了才会感觉到;有些人、等离开了才会想念……
Only, some pain, time for a long time will feel; some people, such as left will miss ... ...
Like I'm close to me a little, don't like I'll roll away.
Aesthetic characters, to hide the unknown sorrow.
Since you don't like, separated why midnight drink alone, with sad.
Don't cry for pain, do not feel ... ... Do not cry, do not ... ...
Do not for one, turning himself into a idiot / / /
我说我们是一个圆 走了谁都是残缺
I say we are a round go who is incomplete
如果心里有伤 是否真的可以遗忘 不必包装
If the heart is hurt really can forget without packaging
每 颗 星 星 都 有 属 于 自 己 旳 轨 迹 -
Every star star has belongs to the rail Trail - from oneself
Afraid this is just a very beautiful, very beautiful dream.
¢ 其实单身挺好、和谁暧昧都不需要解释。
By actually single good, and who are not needed to interpret ambiguous.
______ 当 世 界 化 为 乌 有 、守 着 伱 的 人 是 峩 。
_ _ _ _ _ _ when the world community of Uzbekistan, guarding you the person is I.
╰ 花 开 花 落゛ 是 你 先 背 离 了 承 诺
Just spend on flower you back away from the bearing.
曾经 克服一切想要记起。 现在 拼尽一切想要忘记。
Once overcome all want to remember. Now try everything to forget.
You don't know is that I am a person with story. Does not know is. My story all is you
不管我做什么 我都是为了我的以后 为了你 即使冒有危险 我依然会向前走
No matter what I do is for my future for you even taking a risk I will still go ahead
Some things, I do not say that, not because I'm stupid, just because I believe you.
You do not know when to send a bared teeth face, my tears will.
The world's most real one sentence, I love you ~ we will be together forever.
-- 我为你敞开了心扉,你却敲响了他的心门。
I for you to open the heart, but you knocked on his door.
- 不想要说话,不是没话说,只是现在还有多少人说出口的是真话.
- do not want to speak, not words, only now there are many people say is the truth.
年少无知的我们 又懂得什么叫付出/
Young and we know what pay /
为了爱离开你. 只是配不起你.
For love of you. Just don't deserve you.
TAG标签: 爱情 放弃 配不起