T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。


更新时间:2011-12-02 22:07 点击:


Care will not care too much, won't even consider.
There is a song, let you in deep memory.
His eyes wet tears, just to prove that you betrayed me ...
With her hair loose, meaningless tiny dressed, sitting at the computer one day, because, I waiting for you a sentence
Please remember, I want you to taste you give I tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, you say the taste of love.
心感觉到阵阵伤痛 ,心从此掉到了低谷,摔的如此破碎,无法在愈合。
Heart I feel the pain, heart, fell into a trough, fell so broken, not in healing.
When I talk to you my troubles, that's not complaining, I trust in you.
我太笨 明知道你是错的人 但是我还奋不顾身 &
I was too stupid to know you is wrong but I have to forget about one's own &
我不怕自己输得有多狼狈 ,我只担心我会哭得痛彻心扉. 
I am not afraid of their own lost how embarrassed, I only fear that I will crying heart.
我还在原地不停地等 不停地等某一天你回首
I am still does not stop, keep, one day you look back
不管我对你重不重要, 你对我比自己重要。
No matter how I feel about you important, you mean more to me than my own.
越懂你陪着你就越寂寞,灵魂那么美我却碰不得 . 
The more you know with you more lonely soul is so beautiful, but I can't touch.
        that called for friendship, but is a wonderful for fraud.
或许你爱 或许你在乎 只是你把它藏的太深太深 深的让人无法看透。
Maybe you love you care about you just hide it so deep so deep deep lets a person cannot see through.
好朋友只是朋友 ,只能保留一点点温柔 . 
Good friends just friends, only a little tenderness.
用谎言测试谎言 得到的也只是谎言
Lie lie lie test is
一个人发呆 , 一个人无聊 , 一个人因为无聊而发呆 ,
A person is in a daze, a boring, boring person because of a trance,
Because not, simply do not expect, did not expect, disappointed not to hurt yourself
When? I can smile stand in front of you. No more aching.
Know is a drama, but also very reluctantly go.
There is no secret, only to say.
I'm not sad, only tears keep falling down.
Distance, is not produced by the United States, but often interprets some cannot withstand a single blow.

TAG标签: 流泪 难过 最悲伤


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