T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。


更新时间:2011-12-05 21:04 点击:

 #- 誓言那么轻,轻的一碰就碎,划破了心。

# - oath so light, light touch on the broken, pierced heart.
其实 我需要的 只是简单的关心 
In fact, I just need simple care
我不怕生命有挫折 不怕回忆会有皱摺 唯有你说要放弃 我不愿附和 
I am not afraid of setbacks are not afraid of life memories will have only only you say give up I don't want to chime
With no love. Because of love. There is no pain. There is injury
我的倔强 却是给你的伤害。
My stubborn is to hurt you.
如果我死了 你会不会得知消息 然后满世界的寻找我。
If I die, will you heard the news and then all over the world looking for me.
The last one, can not turn, turn over the dirt will be lost in his eyes.
.一个人的世界 一个人的精彩 一个人的生活。
. one of the world's one of the best of one's life.
Cold night and you would think I had warm your hands.
Sometimes, in addition to say goodbye, no way
Since it hurts, why firm. Know what hurts, why not say that exports.
曾经我们是一个平行钱 但我们现在是相交线 越里越远.,
We have a parallel money but we are intersecting lines in far more.,
Give me three years, I will forget you, thoroughly.
I love you, but now I love you.
既然爱了那么久 你怎么舍得分手 说走就走.
Since love so long how can you break up go.
你存在 我深深的脑海里~
You're always on my mind.
涐 , y1 个 狠 爱 狠 爱 打 扮 和 狠 自 恋 狠 自 恋 锝 女 孩 。 . 
I, Y1 love ruthless relentless love hit play and ruthless ruthless love from love since technetium female child. .
◇◆ ┊ 我需要的只是你那微乎其微的一点点温柔
The effects of. I just need you very little a little tenderness
I loathe to give up you, but not those who loved memories. -
From the start crying jealousy, envy, into a smile.
她说 ๑» 她想用全世界换他一句永恒丶
She says & # 3665; » she wanted to use the whole world to get him an eternal,
R is really r fruit, I would choose to skip that directly to meet you
Between us only some ambiguous - love may not even close.
Is there a person. Are you a lifetime effort will also want to forget him
我不想再期待走下去 还能多精彩 
I don't want to look forward to go but more wonderful
#- 誓言那么轻,轻的一碰就碎,划破了心。
# - oath so light, light touch on the broken, pierced heart.
The feelings between two people is like sweaters, established when the stitch, removed at the time only need to gently pull
Give up, don't worth it to pay all.
We all should learn, on their own.
I love crying laughing too, is a wonderful

TAG标签: 心碎 伤感的话语 誓言

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