T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。


更新时间:2011-12-05 21:01 点击:

 \\、 我拒绝了所有人的青睐, 只为了 你一个不确定的未来,

\ \, I refused all people of all ages, only for you to an uncertain future,
The gods and mortals beautiful opportunity, eventually lost to fate.
You are so stubborn, I cruel pain, and so is not.
Have a tacit understanding that you ignore me, I will ignore you. .
If time can never, I will choose not to believe your blandishments.
此昵称不存在 回忆悄悄更改
This nickname does not exist memory quietly change
每个人的一生都像在演一部武则天 总想保护好自以为很美好的爱情 结果丢失很多。 
Each person's life all act like a Wu Zetian always want to protect good think so beautiful love it lost a lot of.
No news of you, my heart is empty...
When I believe all the time, all betrayed me.
我不想做你的匆匆过客 但我却没有办法阻止现实 。
I don't want to be your passerby but I have no way to stop the reality.
卢祖彬这一年来我一点都没有想你 一点一点都没有想 
Lu Zubin this year, I did not think you one point one do not want to
You are busy, busy by day, evening, I was busy? Will I wait for you.
原想给世界一个温暖的拥抱- 却迎来四面八方措手不及的耳光-
Wanted to give the world a warm hug - but welcome from all sides be taken by surprise in the face -
I am waiting for he said to me: I will do for you disappear over the sea.
是 我 的 就 是 我 的 、不 是 我 的 我 也 不 稀 罕 要
It is my will is my, not is me me not to dilute rare
I am waiting for life, not for the moment you Ningmou
Broken heart carefully picked up after, patchwork, whether can recover?
等待不是为了你能回来 而是为自己找借口不离开
You can not wait to come back but find an excuse not to leave
This made me cry how warm, we is not perfect but Frank natural.
. If you choose to abandon me, then I will you do not have a point.
. Feelings of the world I messed up, many people have feelings, I lost a couple of seconds, he lost all of the people
I know I can't leave you, also go so simply.
When oblivion into another beginning, faded memories, the most true pain ...

TAG标签: 回忆 分手 等待


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