T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。


更新时间:2011-12-03 21:49 点击:
    つ   若情以逝,何以许终身。
Protect if sentiment passes, how many life.
-.  ╮___ Csr. 问你个路,要怎么样才能走到你心里.
- happy. _ _ _ Csr. Ask you a way, how to go to your heart.
你 未曾想过我感受。我不会去敷衍你。
You never thought I feel. I will go with you.
Love you can stand the test, and my heart, and never change.
Simple is Mei-Ping flat light is the truth.
There is so much story to you, which have so much drama alone deduction.
ぢ 只有站在镜子前,我才能真正的看清自己。 
Only stand in front of the mirror, and I can really see themselves.
Hand cold ice, cool pieces of the heart
Hanging out alone, lonely, you'll see.
GL,我等来等去,等的不过是一句爱我 //
GL, I wait to go, and so is nothing but love me / /
- 爱就是你的肩膀 能分担我的快乐悲伤
- love is your shoulder to share my happiness and sorrow
Happiness is the ferris wheel on how / why everyone to look at,,
May love many people, but only one will make you smile most brilliant, the most sad cry.
For a complete without you, my heart.
- 女人的洒脱多是泪水换来的
Woman is more tears to get clear
︶ ̄爱情是一道双项选择题,缺少谁都不会有完整的答案。
) ~ love is a pair of item choice, the lack of who will not have a complete answer.
I do not know when, we disconnect, Miss forgotten in the rainy season.
What disappoints me is not you, but your attitude.
Don't care about a person, or you will hurt very badly. Not overdo sth.
尽数眼前的繁华 却不知墙角下的哀伤
And the immediate downtown but do not know the next corner.
◆ ◇ 丶我仔仔细细观察那些走过的痕迹,只想最后一次闻到你的味道。 
In the Zai Zai, I carefully observe those who walked the trail, just like the last time smell you.
︶ ̄ 看起来简单的坚守,却需要最大的勇气和毅力。
) ~ looks simple stick, but requires the greatest courage and perseverance.
Some things can only be inside, good uncomfortable.
Love is like a bracelet, set out to go easily.

TAG标签: 委屈 不愉快


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