\(╯-╰)/ 这是我生存的基本
-- - July 7th night breath without you, let me feel suffocated!
Let me the most painful not break up, but my heart to you, you are cheating me
The time let us learn how to love, but are not slow love step
The wall is not a good feeling, believe destiny into their own hands.
Perfunctory gentle again gentle, is perfunctory.
发现自己真的好伟大、 你犯了这样的错误、 而我却假装什么都不知道
Find oneself really great, you have made such a mistake, but I don't pretend to know
Between us, beyond friendship, not love
完美的感情 , 让我学会完美的爱 -
Perfect love, let me learn perfect love -
We are in the maintenance of their self-esteem, I can lay down their self-esteem to love you.
千万不要怀疑爱 , 因为它是不容置疑的 -
Don't doubt love, because it is to allow all doubt -
人生就像一个舞台 ,时时刻刻充满了戏 -
Life is like a stage, always full of drama
- 给我一个理由忘记 那么爱我的你。
Give me a reason to forget that I love you.
It is very painful, and so have a look back over time, others will find that are not things.
No matter how pain, to Heartbreakers laugh.
He read her sentence, cheater so much, not enough obviously.
Some people love to forget myself, result come to suffer a big.
We lost to time, I think as long as I turned around and no one can see me cry
Have lost your city, bright flowers also distributed rotten smell
We can't go back, just as the clock back to the starting point, but never to return to yesterday ... ...
___丶我不曾摊开伤口任宰割 愈合就无人晓得
_ _ _, I don't have any open wound healing is unknown to
. 快快乐乐其实不是我想要得、我想要得是、你陪在我身边
. happy is not what I want, I want to be, you stay with me
我以为当我们成为朋友 便签下了终生契约 谁知道你会中途变卦。
I think when we become friends signed a lifetime contract who know you backed out.
(*^__^*) 平行线永远没有交点....相交线越走越远....
( * ^ _ _ ^ * ) parallel lines never intersect intersection ... Go farther and farther ....
Give me your future, let me help you to fill in the blanks
TAG标签: 爱情 忧郁 沮丧