T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。


更新时间:2011-12-07 21:40 点击:


I want a bad mood when you can have a talk to people
Permanent sleep, then, my love for you will be forever; I'm not vulnerable to!
在这个熟悉又陌生城市中 无助地寻找个陌生又熟悉的影子
In this familiar and unfamiliar city helplessly looking for a strange but familiar shadow
过去的, 过去了 ,不再记得
The past, the past, no longer remember
一 个 人 简 简 单 单 的 过 着 .
A man Jane single single live.
.身边的人 有多少是真 有多少是假 白痴的我 又怎会一眼看破 
The people around. How much is really how much of it is false how can I be an idiot to see through
A man hate you, is because he is just not that into you. A woman hate you, is because you get what she wants.
Miss, do not love you.
没有体会到的事 永远都不懂.
Didn't realize things will never understand.
记 忆 袭 卷 梦 靥 、醒 来 才 发 现 我 的 泪 迹 斑 驳 "
Remember recall swept nightmare, wake up to late now my tear stains spot barge"
Don't you use that piracy Monalisa smile smiled at me, I said recently.
When would you like the wind blows me
There is only a cheat is true, because he was really fooled you.
你说的相爱容易 相守难
You're easy to spend the hard to love
-  你不问 我不说, 这就是我们之间的距离    ≈
You ask me do not say, this is the distance between us is about
Now just understand love to choose
// 别说我现实 ,, 我曾经比你还天真 .
/ / I, I was real, than you are naive.
It is the memory of the two, but I am the only one collection.
Having a boyfriend is not alone, are you
心里是你 身边人不是你 这样的我是不是很虚伪
My heart is with you not the one that I soon. Is it right?
※ 这样的生活算是堕落了么。
In this life is fallen.
我用一生作赌注 你怎么舍得让我输???
My life as a bet, how can you let me lose???
Man's face, or the heart

TAG标签: 郁闷 男人 善变


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