\(╯-╰)/ 这是我生存的基本
■。 ゛ 离开了 、对独角戏德爱情来说都是解脱 。
The. Left, to show love is free.
Write a song. Sing a poem, very touching song.
When I was small, with a method to deceive oneself and others, too hard times
Faint sadness, let people haggard, there is a way called the tears.
, one in the memory to continue, I shed tears, alone and think of you.
The saying goes, life is the most beautiful luxury, is also the most brilliant life free.
雨一直在下 可是已没有了你这把保护伞°
It is still raining but have no you your umbrella.
Will understand, who is a false display of affection, who really love you, who would you fling caution to the winds ...
There is a mood, not sad, just empty
No two people together, only through two hearts
I think I will never forget you give me love
Too many memories, of brandish do not go; too much pain, compensate for.
Sometimes I try and say to you, they make blind and disorderly conjectures choke.
It is not the stranger, the stranger it loaded than strangers,
There is always a person, living in the heart, is lost in life,
Zhang Xiaoquan, my soul soul light, belonging to the pale, pale rotten soul. Big soul eau.
I love you, but you have been looking at your right
" There is nothing in the world is not fit, the pain, you will naturally put."
り .╰ ︶ 还 记 得 那 年 。我 们 传 纸 条 的 日 子 。。”
Much. Just remember that year ). I have a paper on the sub.."
独自一人徘徊在寂寞的角落抽着烟。看着天空的黑暗流着血一般的血泪 你懂么?
Wandering in the lonely corner smoking a cigarette. Look at the sky dark bloody general blood do you understand?
我心中延续和你的情感, 有一种暧昧的美满
My heart and the continuation of your feelings, there is a happy ambiguous
■。 ゛ 该 如 何 说 爱 、明 已 经 知 道 回 卜 来 。
The. He said, as the love that has the knowledge to bu.
那谁,让我成为你一辈子的新娘好吗 ?、、
Who then, let me be you for a lifetime good bride? ,,
I want to walk with you in the snow, still fantasy, the snow stopped or am I a.
曾小姐说: 突然想看着自己的血液从自己身体里一点一点流失。
Miss Zeng said: want to look at his blood from his body in one point one point loss.
〝 撕心裂肺的爱,痛彻心扉的情。〞//
" My love, the heart. " / /
There is a heart to all a hideous mess. Never complete
TAG标签: 堕落 伤心