\(╯-╰)/ 这是我生存的基本
The love you give is always let my heart pain Heartbreakers
You think I'm bulletproof; I think you invulnerability,
You have changed, become so let me sad.
Some people, some things, see not see ...
One truly is not perfect what he has, but what he is.
My love for you, when you know it
我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己…… -
I really love you, close my eyes, thinking that I could forget, but shed tears, but not lie to yourself ... ... -
有些的时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开. 躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。 -
Some of the time, is to love quietly away. To escape the shadow of, does not hide is that silently. -
I don't know how to say, sometimes, your smile, is my most sincere heart.
/ / do not love others, love is too deep, ultimately hurt their own.
We start here, but leave in the distance...
I can smile forever playing supporting you. & # 9829;
Love doesn't have to be so realistic, romance, but must be realistic.
时间不是让人忘了痛, , 而是让人习惯了痛.
Time is not to let people forget the pain, but, people used to pain.
- 谢谢迩把俄伤旳丶 眼泪一滴都卟剩 .
- thank you to the Russian injury, a drop of tear is not left.
。和你的回忆就像是时光特意剪辑的温暖镜头、每一次回放 都是泪流满面的快乐
. And your memory is just like the warm time specially clip lens, every playback are tears of joy
I'm afraid if I quarrel, lose, I try to suppress, just because I care.
宁可空白了手 等候一次真心的拥抱
Empty hand rather than waiting for a true hug
- 爱上你春光明媚的人无论有多少,爱上你风卷残荷的,一人足矣。
Fall in love with you no matter how many bright spring days, you will wind volume, one is enough.
I am waiting for, waiting for him back, so that the results may not be hope
还记得我们曾经是彼此的 唯一。
Remember when we used to be only one of each other.
Just one step, why not go one step further?
早已习惯你的已不在, 却总不习惯你的已不爱。
Accustomed to you is gone, but not used to your already didn't love.
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