T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。

假装开心的悲伤个性签名:我很坚强 , 坚强得可以让旁人看不出哭泣

更新时间:2011-12-09 21:24 点击:

 ___ Ⅱ ╮转身过后、别再对莪说‘对不起’。丶╮ 

_ _ _ II have turn after, don't tell me to say ' sorry '. And happy
- ___ Ⅱ ╮从分手德那一刻,莪们便陌生人罢了。 丶╮ 
- _ _ _ II have parted from Germany at the moment, we will be strangers. And happy
Love is like a jigsaw puzzle, lost a piece of memory, that is love
在你的微笑里,我才有呼吸 *
In your smile, I can only breathe *
我们之间最有默契的一件事就是, 我不联系你,你也不联系我。
Between us the most understanding a thing is, I do not contact you, you don't contact me.
爱一个人,需要用心 ぅ 恨一个人,却需要用你的一生。
Love a person, need hates a person, but need to use your life.
Who will be willing to lend me a lifetime of happiness, who will put the heart of two molecules of a left for me.
你删除了当时可以证明我们相爱的留言 可我脑中的记忆要怎么删除那么幸福可又那么撕心裂肺的痛着 
You deleted at the time can prove our love message I in the brain's memory to delete that happiness can then piercing pain
I want you to know I was crazy for you crazy and buff and injury while drunk.
Finally, we still can't come to the final.
╭ァ 你 忘 了 回 忆 我 忘 了 忘 记 °
You you forget to recall I forgot to forget to remember.
Sometimes it is not single, but also lonely than single
Owe you too much, that night you were me, now you are happy
Long-distance relationship, really need great courage to insist.
Ceng Jing, my most stupid idea is and you said of a couple.
We are like two sides of a coin, not separately, but can never be together.
I love you for a long time, waiting for you for a long time, this time, I want to leave you, even longer than the long.
不怕被抹黑的天空 雨后会有彩虹 不怕流出泪的眼睛 哭过会有笑容
Afraid of being blackened sky there is a rainbow after the rain is the tears eyes crying with smile
If, if we are who we are, are also held promise here. All only if ... ....
听说,彼岸花的花语是“悲伤的回忆”。多少次,想起,耳边再也没有你的声音—— -
Hear, equinox flower flower is the" sad memories". Many times, think of, ear no your voice -- -
Time to kill a lot of things, including love. When you see so many people who love had become unfamiliar, can not help feeling, like, we can not hold anything.
有没有这样一个人 即使已经失去了 还是会自欺欺人的把放放在[2/1]里。 
There is no such a person even if has lost or will deceive oneself and others to put in [2 / 1].
我很坚强 , 坚强得可以让旁人看不出哭泣 ,,,
I am strong, strong enough to let others see no cry,,,
Heart to let you hear, love to let you see, I dare to admit how much I love you ...
#. 七个月,你我都变了.唯一不变的是我依旧爱你的心 -
#. Seven months, you and I are variable. The only constant is I still love you


下一篇:描写多年以后悲伤的句子:还记得我们曾经是彼此的 唯一。

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