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关于思念的伤感个性签名:想你的夜, 思念像海一般无限的蔓延,!╮

更新时间:2011-12-05 20:59 点击:
Only when you, people will know miss.
——◇◆ ╯虚 伪 , 随 处 可 见 . 欺 骗 , 遍 地 兜 是 . 爱 情 , 纯 属 虚 构 、、、 
The -- the virtual artifact, as can be seen." Fool, my love is over. Love, pure belong to empty,,,
明明爱很清晰 却要接受分离 
Love is very clear and obvious but to accept the separation
那无爱的痛苦 将日日夜夜
The loveless pain the day and night
A good banquet, also some casual day
-``````岁月丛丛的流去转眼20有几了。回忆曾经、回忆童年..现在是该奋斗的时候了 `````` -
- ` ` ` ` ` ` time groves of flow to 20 a few. Memories, memories of childhood.. now is the time to fight the ` ` ` ` ` ` -
Why in the middle but never feel the beating of your heart for me dancing?
Why I left you to tears send me, you know I will hurt
When I was young, painting in the hands of the watch, not moving, but took the most wonderful time.
The oath is often a liar to fool says, but the fool is happiness.
Afraid to do afraid or, just before the two sides of the knife.
我只是不想你在说爱我的时候 想着的却是她 .
I just don't want you to say love me when thinking about is her.
You see, you give the distance, I give you is time, you can't beat me ...
、如果我们没有忘记过去 、从来都不是因为怀念一个人 、而是怀念过去的自己
, if we do not forget the past, never miss a person, but his memory of the past
I am waiting for you, waiting for you and I say that breaking up the day
Sometimes happiness is so simple, it is so extravagant.
- 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛、我却拿它来翻白眼。
- the dark night gives me black eyes, but I use it to roll your eyes.
想你的夜, 思念像海一般无限的蔓延,!╮ 
I miss you, miss like sea boundless spread, happy!
I want to back to the past. But that is impossible. I also know that is impossible.
我们都太专注于自己的伤口 、忘了要去握住别人伸出的手 。 
We are so focused on their wounds, forgot to shake others hand.
I can not do without you, although it is very tired
い把 原 谅 都 还 给 时 光 ˋ 不 要 投 降
It is also the original understanding to light, not to throw down

TAG标签: 思念 想念

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