T_T 伤感Qq网,因感触而悲伤。

想安静一下的非主流伤感个性签名【别给我安慰 那只是美丽的虚伪

更新时间:2011-12-06 21:41 点击:
Please remember that you said it yourself,, you don't deserve me!
Originally, the day was just memories,,,
How do you make me how can I rest assured.
] our memories just chat and inbox sporadic text.
我的心情很好 、你不知道我笑的有多虚伪
I am in a good mood, you don't know I laugh how hypocritical
If, you can. I will choose not to love you.
The world is so big, can meet, not easy. Please cherish.
I frequent the mood, can not change my heart to you.
In love again. After sad still live
问心无愧 不堪与爱都搁置于回忆 -
Examine oneself, feeling no shame, and love are shelved in memory
Living only in the insipid person is empty and insipid.
Wasting other people's time is for his money, a waste of their time is chronic Dutch act.
【别给我安慰 那只是美丽的虚伪
[ don't give me comfort it is just beautiful hypocrisy
A heart needs a warm hands, one needs to hold.
We promise to one another when the bridesmaids.
Handjob is physical or spiritual support to meet!?
╭⌒ 一样的签名 不一定能感觉到一样的心情 。 ╮
You -- the same signature does not necessarily feel the same feeling. Happy
The world's most painful feeling, not romance, but I heart you, you are cheating me.
俄愛的人知道俄愛她 可是仍然無動於衷。 " 最后一日 仍希望你会回心转意~ 
I love the people know I love her still unmoved. " Last day still hope you change one's mind about.
Once had to meet, do not want a lifetime.
我唯一对你说的谎 就是离开你我不难过 
I only said to you is to leave you, I'm not sad.
当 老 实 人 、做 老 实 事 、说 老 实 话 。
When the old real people, do real thing, that is old old words.
无可奈何的时候, 不只花会落去, 连思绪都那么纠结
Feel helpless when, not only will go down, even thoughts are so entangled

TAG标签: 想安静 虚伪 不爱

上一篇:关于思念的伤感个性签名:想你的夜, 思念像海一般无限的蔓延,!╮
下一篇:关于初恋的男生伤感个性签名:教会你爱的那个人 才是初恋

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